April 6

The Magick of Fluid Condensers


The magick of fluid condensers is a fascinating topic that has been practiced by occultists and magicians for centuries. Fluid condensers are essentially charged fluids that are infused with specific energies and used in a variety of magickal practices. In this blog, we will explore the concept of fluid condensers and how they are used in magick.

Fluid condensers are created by infusing a liquid with specific energies through various magickal techniques. The liquid used can be water, oil, or alcohol, and the energies infused can vary depending on the intent of the practitioner. For example, a fluid condenser for love may be infused with rose petals, while a fluid condenser for prosperity may be infused with cinnamon.

One of the most common ways to create a fluid condenser is through the process of charging. This involves focusing your intention and directing energy into the liquid to imbue it with a specific purpose. This can be done through meditation, visualization, or by using other magickal tools such as candles or sigils.

Another popular method of creating fluid condensers is through the use of planetary correspondences. Each planet is associated with specific energies and properties, and these correspondences can be used to create a fluid condenser that is aligned with the intent of the practitioner. For example, a fluid condenser for healing may be infused with energies associated with the planet Jupiter, which is associated with health and well-being.

Fluid condensers can be used in a variety of magickal practices, including spellwork, ritual work, and divination. They can be added to bathwater, used in anointing oils or candles, or even consumed for their magickal properties. They are often used as a way to amplify the power of a magickal working and to help manifest the desired outcome.

One of the benefits of using fluid condensers in magick is their versatility. They can be used for a wide range of purposes and can be easily customized to suit the needs of the practitioner. They can also be created in advance and stored for later use, making them a convenient and effective tool for any magickal practice.

In conclusion, the magick of fluid condensers is a powerful and fascinating topic that has been used by magicians and occultists for centuries. These charged fluids are infused with specific energies and used in a variety of magickal practices to manifest desired outcomes. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just beginning your magickal journey, fluid condensers can be an effective tool to help you achieve your goals and enhance your magickal practice.

Harnessing the Power of Fluid Condensers: Insights from Franz Bardon


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