May 23




1. Relax soul, mind and body.

2. Perform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

3. Formulate a flaming Sphere of White Brilliance above the head. Concentrate on this Sphere and vibrate the Divine Names AHIH, AGLA.

4. Continue to concentrate on the White Brilliance, and when you feel it is aroused say:

 I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me, the same shall have everlasting Life. I am the First and the Last. I am He that liveth and was dead, and behold I am alive forevermore, and hold the keys of Hell and of Death.For I know that my Redeemer liveth and He shall stand at the latter day upon the Earth. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh unto the Father but by Me. I am the Purified. I have passed through the Gates of Darkness unto Light. I have fought upon the Earth for good. I have finished my work, I have entered the Invisible. I am the Sun in his rising. I have passed through the hour of cloud and of night. I am AMOUN, the Concealed One, the Opener of the Day. I am OSIRIS ONNOPHRIS, the Justified One. I am the Lord of Life triumphant over death. There is no part of me that is not of the Gods. I am the Preparer of the Pathway, the Rescuer unto the Light. Out of the Darkness, let the Light arise. I am the Reconciler with the Ineffable. I am the Dweller of the Invisible. LET THE WHITE BRILLIANCE OF THE SPIRIT DESCEND! (Visualize the brilliance descending into the body.)

5. Vibrate EXARP, BITOM, NANTA, HCOMA. (Note: These names equilibrate the Light. They are the four Enochian Elemental Spirit Names. They are composed of five letters each. According to Regardie, EXARP is pronounced X-R-Pay, HCOMA is pronounced Hay-Co-Mah, NANTA is pronounced En-En-Tah, and BITOM is pronounced Bay-E-Toe-Em.)


1. See the Shaft of Light come down in the skull to the neck.

2. Formulate a flaming Sphere of Brilliant Yellow and see the ball extend all the way through the neck, and see it extend up into the head.

3. Superimpose on the Yellow Sphere the Sign of Aquarius in the complementary color of Purple, and vibrate YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH and the Angelic Names RAPHAEL, CHASSAN.

4. When you feel the ball is alive and real, and spiritual power is pouring through you, and when you feel the power of the Names,

5. Say the prayer of the Sylphs:

 Holy art Thou, Lord of the Air, Who has created the Firmament. SHADDAI EL CHAI. Almighty and everlasting, Ever-living be thy Name, Ever-magnified in the life of all. We praise Thee, and we bless Thee, In the changeless empire of created Light; And we aspire without cessation unto thine Imperishable and Immutable Brilliance. AMEN.

PART III1. See the Shaft of Light descend once more to the Heart Centre or Solar Plexus.

2. Formulate a flaming Sphere of Brilliant Red. See the ball extend from front to back.

3. Superimpose on the Red Sphere the Sign of Leo in the complementary color of Emerald Green, and vibrate ELOHIM and the Angelic Names MICHAEL, ARAL.

4. When you feel the ball is alive and real, and spiritual power is pouring through you, and when you feel the power of the Names,

5. Say the prayer of the Salamanders:

 Holy art Thou, Lord of the Fire, Wherein Thou hast shown forth The Throne of thy Glory. YOD-HEH-VAV-HEH TZABAOTH. Leader of Armies is thy Holy Name. O Thou flashing Fire, Thou illuminest all things With thine insupportable Refulgence Whence flow the ceaseless streams of Splendour Which nourisheth thine Infinite Spirit. Help us, thy children, whom Thou hast loved Since the birth of the Ages of Time. AMEN.PART IV1. See the Shaft of Light descend once more to the region of the hips, the generative region.

2. See a flaming Sphere of Brilliant Ultramarine Blue.

3. Superimpose on the Blue Sphere the Sign of Scorpio in the complementary color of Orange, and vibrate EL and the Angelic Names GABRIEL, TALIHAD.

4. When you feel the ball is alive and real, and spiritual power is pouring through you, and when you feel the power of the Names,

5. Say the prayer of the Undines:

Holy art Thou, Lord of the Mighty Waters,Whereon Thy spirit moved in the Beginning.ELOHIM TZABAOTH.Glory be unto Thee RUACH ELOHIM,Whose Spirit hovered over theGreat Waters of Creation.O Depth, O inscrutable Depth,Which exhalest unto the height;Lead Thou us into the true Life,Through sacrifice, through Love,So that one day we may be foundWorthy to offer unto Thee,The Water, the Blood and the Tears,For the remission of sins. AMEN.PART V1. See the Shaft of Light descend to the feet, from about the ankles.

2. Formulate a flaming Sphere of Brilliant Indigo.

3. Superimpose on the Indigo Sphere the Sign of Taurus in the complementary color of Pale Yellow, and vibrate ADONAI and the Angelic Names AURIEL, PHORLAKH,

4. When you feel the ball is alive and real, and spiritual power is pouring through you, and when you feel the power of the Names,

5. Say the prayer of the Gnomes:

Holy art Thou, Lord of the Earth,Which Thou hast made for Thy footstool.ADONAI HA-ARETZ, ADONAI MELEKH.Unto Thee be the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory.MALKUTH-GEBURAH-GEDULAH, AMEN.The Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valley.O Thou who hidest beneath the Earth,In the Valley of Gems,The marvelous seed of the Stars.Live, reign, and be Thou the eternalDispenser of Thy treasures,Whereof Thou hast made usThe wardens. AMEN.

PART VI1. Circumambulate the Light. See all the power in the feet centre. See it rush up like water powerfully pushed up as in a fountain.

2. As it rushes up it takes all the power from each of the Spheres on its ascent. So imagine as it goes from ball to ball, it takes all the power out of each Sphere in turn until it gets to the White Light. So this power will be a combination of all the colors – but “see” the sense of power rather than the color. The power remains a White Power.

3. Make sure the power is circulating away from the centers and the result will be that you have formed around you an Aura by the power issuing up the Shaft.

4. In the circulation of the fountain the power goes up the centers. Then with the exhalation down the left side, and the inhalation up the right side, exhale down the front of the body, inhale up the back of the body. This will cause the Aura to be in a subtle state of great activity, the Light pouring through and making it a great and dynamic power.

5. Close with the Osiris God-form. Keep that as long as you like.

6. Perform The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

The Kabbalistic Cross Meditation


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